Nature Trail In Gustav Mahler's Footsteps


Nature Trails





3.8 km

Time Requirement:

1.5 hours


39 m

The trail leads through the historical center and introduces the life of one of the most important personalities of Jihlava's cultural life — composer and conductor Gustav Mahler.

The trail passes through places where the young Mahler undoubtedly and probably moved, and where Mahler's large family lived and worked. Along the trail you can see the houses where he lived with his parents and siblings, his father's establishments and lodgings, the destinations of Mahler's walks, the school he attended and the places where he performed as a young man.

The last stop of the trail is the Jewish cemetery, where those closest to Mahler rest.

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Místa na cestě

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Dům, kde skladatel a dirigent Gustav Mahler strávil kus svého dětství. Dnes je jeho památníkem a galerií.

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