About Jihlava

A city in the center of the republic, where everyone gets their

Jihlava, regional city of Vysočina Region, bore the proud title of the Silver Treasury of the Kingdom of Bohemia. Even today's modern city has a lot to offer. It invites you to sightseeing, festivals with international fame, offers nature walks, sports activities, relaxation and entertainment, as well as gastronomic experiences. Just stop along the way, get off the D1 motorway and choose according to your taste.

View from the Gate of the Mother of God

#DoJihlavy for the experience and for the fun

The most visited tourist destination in Vysočina is without a doubt Zoo Jihlava. You can visit five continents in a single day and see over two hundred species of exotic animals. The zoo is open 365 days a year.

Fun and refreshment will be enjoyed in Jihlava Aquapark Water Paradise. In summer, you can use the outdoor area with four heated pools, in the covered area there are swimming pools with an indoor 108-meter water slide and a separate wellness area.

If you would rather spend the family weekend “on dry land”, then choose family park Robinson Jihlava — the largest amusement park in the Highlands, where you will discover dozens of children's attractions on 2,500 square meters.

Jihlava Zoo

#DoJihlavy behind the knowledge

If you are a fan of history, we have some tips for you, what you should definitely see in Jihlava. The city walls from the middle of the 13th century have been preserved. Gate of the Mother of God, it is accessible as an observation tower. It also houses the Tourist Information Centre.

The discoverer is sure to be excited about the made available Jihlava Underground, the second largest in the Czech Republic. The corridors are in some places even three floors above each other, and at the deepest point the route runs 18 meters below the surface. Unique is the so-called. luminous corridor, the mystery of which will be illuminated by the guide during the interpretation during the tour.

The church is definitely worth a visit. Sv. James with the observation tower with newly renovated historic trusses, which are some of the largest in the Czech Republic.

If you are traveling with children, you can play one of the Jihlava Hidden Stories.

Observation tower of the Church of St. James the Greater

#DoJihlavy for sport, on bike, on skis

Jihlava boasts one of the most modern sports and relaxation centers in the Czech Republic. It's called Bohemian Mill and in addition to a number of sports attractions, you will also find the largest pumptrack in the Czech Republic. It is unique not only for its length, but also for its mirror finish, so that pairs can race on two tracks. The site of the Český Mlýn is connected with the existing and newly built cycle pathswhich connect the regional town along the river Jihlava along the cycle path 26, for example with Telčí and further up to the Austrian Raabs an der Thaya. Little cyclists can test their skills on a refurbished modern before a bigger trip traffic playground in U Rybníčků street, where the new cycle path leads.

In winter you can put on skis and enjoy skiing in Ski resort Šacberk, or run through any of the ski tracks. In the vicinity of the city it is modified for 80 kilometers.

#DoJihlavy behind the culture

Located in Jihlava Horace Theatre - permanent professional scene of the Vysočina Region. It has an 80-year tradition, launching an average of ten premieres per season on stages large and small. In the Heulos Forest Park, it stretches Amphitheatre Jihlava, which is visited annually by thousands of visitors to major cultural events, such as the music Vysočina fest or the rock Magma fest. One of the biggest cultural holidays in Jihlava is June Harvesting. The traditional Jihlava Havířice procession with the participation of 150 children in medieval costumes is accompanied by concerts, theatrical performances, exhibitions, as well as competitions. Also important is the classical music festival commemorating the famous composer and conductor Gustav Mahler, who lived in Jihlava — Mahler Music of Thousands. The global dimension is International Documentary Film Festival Ji.head, which belongs to Europe's leading documentary film festivals.

Nonstrop Gallery

#DoJihlavy for good food and for coffee

Jihlava will be remembered as a city with diverse tastes. On Masaryk Square you will discover a restaurant The Three Princes, enchants you with its atmosphere and varied offer of modern gastronomy prepared from seasonal and especially regional ingredients. With the original concept then comes Veselo Bakery in Husa Street.where they serve you to the table many long-neglected crops and ingredients. Non-traditional directions of gastronomy in Jihlava are represented by Zverimex bistrobar, Bistro na tri dotki or also BauBau bistro. Definitely worth a visit and a taste

Bistro bar Pet Store