Jihlava - Čeřínek - Kostelec

On the bike






47 km

Time Requirement:

3.5 hrs


630 m

Jihlava Hills to Čeřínek Nature Park

From Jihlava we leave from the center of all Jihlava cyclists, Český mlyn complex towards the Old Mountains. We drive through the residential district of Horní Kosov and follow Buková Street into the wild beyond the city. Further along the field and forest road until Rantířov. Here we connect to the cycle path 5215, after which we continue to Vykytná nad Jihlavou. At the intersection in Vykytná nad Jihlavou we turn left and continue to Ježena, in Ježe we turn left again and connect to the yellow tourist route, which we follow until Mirošov. This whole section offers us views of the wide surroundings, the countryside above Hubenov Water Reservoir, which serves as a drinking water supply for the whole of Jihlava and the surrounding area.

We recommend visiting Mirošov Museum of Historic Radios and Stable Engines, the visit must be arranged in advance by phone. From Mirošov we continue upstream of Jedlovský potok, pass through Jedlov and continue to the cross above the village of Boršov. (Less than 200 m in the direction of Boršov there are interesting remains of eleven ancient stone cellars, so called lochs, worth a look).

At the cross in front of Boršov we turn left and continue the climb until Nový Hojkov. Following the blue tourist sign we ascend the last height meters just below Čeřínek peak to the tourist lodge of the same name. Here we have the opportunity to enjoy a well-deserved snack after a difficult stretch of the route. IN Čeřínek Nature Park you will find several protected areas, natural monuments Čertův hrádek, Přední skála and others, protected Hojkovské peat bog, many trails for walkers and cyclists. In winter, Čeřínek is a popular resort for downhill and cross-country skiing.

We go down the route no. 5090 through the village of Hutě, reminiscent of the former glory of the local glass smelters, to the village of Cejle. Around the chapel of St. Markéty and wooden statues of the saint of the same name are headed to Kostelec. In summer it is possible to try on the local pond water skiing. From Kostelec we continue to climb the route no. 5090 to the horizon above Kostelecký vrch, Korunní kopec and Popický vrch.

Through Popice and the village of Vysoká we go down to the local part of Hosov. Here we stop at Imperial wells of Sigismundamade famous by legends according to which Emperor Sigismund fled to Hungary after his defeat at Vyšehrad on 1 November 1420. In Hosev there are water ponds, from which Jihlava historically drew water for its population. From Hosov, a wooden water main led the water up to fountains at the site of today's Gustav Mahler Park.

We arrive in the city center by a bicycle path leading along the Koželužský brook, a well with a statue of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary and a wetland classroom on Skalka.

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